Events Archive

November 17, 2015

EIT Digital will showcase Urban Life & Mobility innovations at Smart City Expo in Barcelona

November 17, 2015

Wellmo product presentation in the Netherlands on 17 November @ High Tech Campus 31

November 11, 2015

EIT Digital at SLUSH start-up conference

November 9, 2015

Opportunity Recognition Module for Doctoral Students in Helsinki

November 6, 2015

Join Budapest APG’s Innovation Contest in Cluj-Napoca!

November 6, 2015

Alumni EIT Digital, KIC InnoEnergy and Climate KIC, organise Startup Days in Amsterdam, Barcelona, Berlin, Paris and Stockholm

November 4, 2015

EIT Digital invites to the Smart Energy Community 2015

November 2, 2015

EIT Digitals' Action Line Privacy Security and Trust joins the NC SRA Symposium 2015

November 2, 2015

Meet the KICs on Engineering Smart Cities of the Future @ Euro-CASE, 2 November, Delft

October 31, 2015

Sprinting to the next #WomenEmpowerment Movement

October 28, 2015

Workshop for start-ups: Facing founders issues

October 27, 2015

Investors' Dinner in Milan

October 22, 2015

EIT Digital Master School Kick-off 2015, 22 October – 24 October 2015

October 21, 2015

EIT Digital @ ICT 2015

October 21, 2015

Get the latest news on Data Analytics @SICS Data Science Day 2015!

October 20, 2015

Cybersecurity and Privacy (CySeP) Winter School 2015

October 20, 2015

ProSTEP iViP - OASIS OSLC Conference

October 19, 2015

Future Cloud Symposium: Join EIT Digital in Rennes to shape the future of cloud computing in Europe!

October 19, 2015

Join Budapest APG's Innovation Contest in Brasov!

October 15, 2015

Makerspace for Professionals

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Co-Funded by the European Union