Events Archive

COMPUTING IN THE CLOUD at Institut Mines Télécom

Review of 2012 activities ,  introducing 2013 activities 

Cloud Computing will be at the heart of the future Internet, implementing the vision of computing and information processing as a utility.

An important trend where cloud technologies play a vital role is the continuing

increase in data volumes in various societal sectors. 

Cloud technologies with increasing ability to access, analyse and transform large

data volumes can be put to good use in many application areas including e-Science,

e-Health, e-Government, Process industry and automation, Operation and

Maintenance, Media content & entertainment, and Sustainable society. 

As information-intensive cloud technologies mature, they are expected to lead to a

dramatic increase in innovation in the above mentioned application domains.

Taking part in this workshop is a strong opportunity to acknowledge a full review of 2012 activities and results, and the introduction of 2013 activities and priorities. At the end of the workshop, a general discussion will get Institut Mines Telecom researchers fully involved in planning future activities in Cloud Computing.






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Co-Funded by the European Union