On Friday 4 December, EIT Digital will showcase its activities in France and Europe, illustrated all along the Cyber-Physical Systems Action Line.
Cyber-Physical Systems enable the physical world to merge with the virtual one. Robotics, cobotics, Internet of Things, 3D Printing, smart sensors are essential ingredients of Cyber-Physical Systems. Their best usage is illustrated through the development of Smart Manufacturing initiatives.
In order to cover the latest innovations at EIT Digital in this area:
- Julien Mascolo, Senior Researcher in Factory Innovation Department at FIAT Research Centre, will present the future of manufacturing for the automotive industry.
- Stéphane Amarger, Paris Node Director, and his team will develop EIT Digital activities in France. Sentryo, 3YOURMIND (coached start-ups) and CPS Lifetime Awareness (supported Innovation Activity) in the Cyber-Physical Systems Action Line will illustrate them.
- 10 start-ups coming from across Europe, all EIT Digital Idea Challenge finalists in the Cyber Physical Systems category, will pitch their innovations on stage.
This event is intended for researchers, innovation leaders, entrepreneurs looking for new ideas, opportunities or partnerships.
Pierre & Marie Curie University
Amphitheatre 25
4 Place Jussieu
75005 Paris