Events Archive

Pervasive Helathcare Summer School 2013 takes place in Trento from September 9th till 13th

The Summer School is organised and promoted by Trento RISEUniversity of TrentoImperial College of LondonEindhoven University of Technology, and Create-Net as part of the Health & Wellbeing (HWB) Post-Master Education programme of the EIT ICT Labs.

The HWB Post Master Education program is specifically directed toward the HWB community (universities and companies) and provides high-quality entrepreneurial technological designers/app developers with a strong background and hands-on experience in HWB. 

The aim of the summer schools is to enable the participants to make the link between the HWB background and innovative solutions. Next to the educational purpose, this program aims at developing innovative prototypes with potentially high business impact. 

The motivation of the selected topic of Pervasive Health sustains in the fact that traditional healthcare environments are extremely complex and challenging to manage, as they are required to cope with an assortment of patient conditions under various circumstances with a number of resource constraints. Pervasive healthcare technologies seek to respond to a variety of these pressures by successfully integrating them within existing health care environments.

Throughout the summer school, students will work in multidisciplinary groups in drafting their innovative solutions and presenting them at the end of the school to collect comments and feedbacks. The final projects will be presented during a 2-day session in front of representatives from industry and from venture capitalists in London, a few weeks later.  




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Co-Funded by the European Union