The 28th Annual IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (IEEE PIMRC 2017) will be held at the Montreal, Quebec, Canada, from October 8 to 13, 2017, under the theme "Engaged Citizens and their New Smart Worlds"; plurality in the theme meant to highlight pathways diversity in achieving harmonious aspirations owing to mankind unity.
As part of the symposium's official program, EIT Digital ACTIVE High Impact Initiative (Advanced Connectivity Platform for Vertical Segments) is organising the "Internet of Things, the Road Ahead: Applications, Challenges, and Solutions" workshop on Tuesday, October 10.
PIMRC is one of the premier conferences in the wireless research arena and has a long history of bringing together academia, industry and regulatory bodies.
The range of topics addressed by this workshop is wide, including, but not limited to:
- New concepts, applications and services
- Energy harvesting and efficiency
- Physical layer requirements
- Protocol layer requirements
- Security, trust and privacy enhancements
- Scalable system architecture and components
- Self-organization and autonomous configuration
- Novel traffic modeling and resource/mobility management
- Mission-critical and massive M2M Communications
- Ultra-reliable and/or low latency M2M Communications
- M2M/IoT test beds and trials
- Radio access technologies and protocols
- Spectrum management and coexistence with unlicensed band.
- M2M/V2V communications/IoT standards
- Interaction between telecom and different vertical industries
- Transformation of vertical industries by means of IoT services Novel applications, trials and demos of services in IoT verticals
- Use case-based design guidelines for system architecture
- Software Defined Networks, Slicing and Cloud Architecture for IoT
- Pricing for D2D /M2M/V2V/IoT communication in Cellular networks
Important dates for the workshop:
- Paper submission due: July 27, 2017
- Notification of acceptance: August 11, 2017
- Camera-ready submission: August 18, 2017