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Grants, Incentives & Subsidies: how to get free cash for your startup!

Food for thought at the next Pizza session in the Co-location Centre Eindhoven that will take place on Friday 9 May at 17:00 hrs. This time it is all about money...


If there’s one thing startups need, it’s cash. But where to get it from?

Pim Polman of Hezelburcht Company will give a presentation on finding your way in the world of grants, incentives and subsidies. Hezelburcht Company operates as a full service grants consultancy since 1995. Taking the perspective of a starting entrepreneur, they will address the do’s and don’ts in the jungle of grants, incentives and subsidies available in the Netherlands and Europe. They support profit and non-profit organisations in the area of subsidies, tax credits and (government) Loans. Now they are one of the largest players in the Dutch market with offices in Nijmegen, Amsterdam, the Hague, Brussels and the High Tech Campus. 
Hezelburcht consultants know everything about grants and say that they are familiar with your industry. As they state: "We understand your challenges and motivations. Moreover, we know the aspirations of the grant providers. This means that we can advise focused and proactive and submit successful applications". Well, let us find out then! 

Beside Pim Polman, two more consultants will participate. This means that everyone has enough chance to ask their burning questions during an informal networking drink afterwards. Thus, EIT ICT Labs Master School students, startups and business developers, come together on Friday 9 May, starting at 17:00 hrs, in the Eindhoven Co-location Centre - High Tech Campus 69.

In case you did not yet register. Please do so before 7 May: REGISTER

Contact: Erwin van Eijden


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Co-Funded by the European Union