Events Archive

Prof. Axel Küpper - one of seven EIT ICT Labs Master School coordinators and professor at TU Berlin - will present the master’s programme in “ICT Innovation” and give detailed information about its seven technical majors.

Location: Co-Location Centre which is located on the 6th floor of the former Telefunken Hochhaus (Ernst-Reuter-Platz 7, 10587 Berlin)

Time and date: 11 o’clock on Friday, February 1

You cannot make it?

If you cannot make it to this presentation but still would like to learn more about the EIT ICT Labs Master School at TU Berlin, please contact the local programme coordinator Nina Reinecke

Learn more?

More information on the EIT ICT Labs Master School, students' testimonials as well as application information, you will find here

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Co-Funded by the European Union