Events Archive

A 2-day workshop takes place on Professional Learning in EIT ICT Labs. The venue for the workhop is the Co-Location Centre Eindhoven at the High Tech Campus, the Netherlands. EIT ICT Labs node partners are invited to participate in this workshop in order to formulate the boundaries and scope of professional learning activities, i.e. learning experiences during professional life. 

The goal is to kick-off the Professional Learning in EIT ICT Labs and outline the ambitions for 2013 and 2014 activities. The workshop is part of the Business Planning for Professional Learning 2013 activity. Part of the outcome of this workshop will be a first draft of a text for the 2014 Call for Activities.

Please REGISTER before 15 January 2013 ! 

Click here for information on hotels and route description.You receive a special EIT ICT Labs price of 85 euro at Van der Valk hotel. Limited number of rooms. 
Send an e-mail: Booking code: EIN-GF51030 


In the last months a limited survey with respect to professional learning requirements was performed within the Eindhoven Node. The survey involved  EIT ICT Labs partners and other organisations from the industrial and services domain. The preliminary results will be presented and will be used as input. 


Participants are asked to prepare a short presentation on professional learning by means of the attached template. 

Preliminary Programme

Thursday 31 January

12:00 hrs:  Welcome lunch

14:00 hrs:  Welcome

14:15 hrs:  Introduction of participants

14:30 hrs:  Presentation on scope of workshop

14:45 hrs:  Presentation of Dutch survey results

15:30 hrs:  Presentation of relevance of PL by Philips

16:00 hrs:  Short break

16:30 hrs:  Presentations of professional learning ideas by nodes

                  (15 minutes per node)

20:00 hrs:  Dinner at University Club 

Friday 1 February

09:30 hrs:  Discussion on structure of business plan for professional Learning

10:30 hrs:  Discussion on first draft on call for activities

11:30 hrs:  Wrap-up and action points

12:00 hrs:  Farewell lunch


CONTACT: Mark van den Brand, TU/e

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