The EIT Digital CPS activity 'Integrated Information Engineering' (IIE) is co-organizer of the 'Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration' (OSLC) conference. The event is being held in co-operation with the ProSTEP iViP association on October 20th in Stuttgart, Germany
Location: Daimler Auditorium, Epplestraße 225, 70567 Möhringen
Time: 10am - 4pm, October 20th, 2015
The conference continues the series of conferences (4th Interoperability Conference) that was already co-organised by EIT Digital.
Seamless Lifecycle Integration based on open Standards
One day full of information under the lead-theme ALM – PLM Interoperability. Impulses for enabling information flows between different engineering disciplines will be given. In industry-relevant talks possibilities of OSLC will be discussed and demonstrated. Target-audience are people interested in solving systems engineering challenges in smart ways – experts and new-comers. The keynote will be held by Prof. Martin Eigner from TU Kaiserslautern.
For question regarding the conference please contact
Dr. Steven Vettermann
T +49-(0)6151-9287-405