Are you a first or second year PhD doing research in ICT? If yes, you might be interested in the European event "Raising Awareness & Opportunity Recognition 2015" held in Paris. Attendance is free of charge. Institut Mines Telecom is a partner of this European Initiative.
For more information visit:
This European initiative offers the right education with possibilities of international mobilities and different connections with industrials and research labs to be able to assess the innovation potential of the reasearch undertaken by you and know what are the opportunities we can have after the PhD.
If you are interested to attend the workshop on september 3 and 4 (RA: Raising Awareness) and or the Opportunity Recognition (september 7 to 8) please send an email precising RA and/or OR to "Maura Covaci" (
In case if you are interested to join the European program please contact Hakima Chaouchi ( as soon as possible. The courses provided in this program as counted in your doctoral education mandatory hours from your doctoral schools (EDITE, SMAER, EDIPS, EDSTIC, ...)