Events Archive

EIT ICT Labs Doctoral School course Raising Awareness in I&E aims at fostering the innovation and entrepreneurial spirits among the doctoral students. It is strongly targeted to inspiring, motivating and raising awareness among the doctoral students on the high-tech innovation and entrepreneurship.

The seminar includes lectures on entrepreneurship and innovation and also group work. It engages doctoral candidates in collaboration and knowledge sharing in teams. Furthermore, it offers a social program to facilitate networking among the doctoral students. 


Tuesday, 11 November

08:30 | Registration & Coffee
09:00 | Welcome & Opening
09:30 | Workshop on Current trends in IT
11:30 | Why entrepreneurship and innovation for scientists?
12:30 | Lunch Break
13:45 | Innovations in ICT
14:45 | Short course on innovation and creativity
16:30 | People skills in Business

Wednesday, 12 November

08:30 | Morning Coffee
08:45 | Introduction to the group assignment
09:00 | Group work & Pitch School
12:00 | Lunch Break
13:00 | Group work - presentations, discussions, wrap-up
14:30 | Business case I
15:30 | Business case II
16:30 | Closing and farewell
16:45 | End of the day

Download full <link fileadmin files media-italy ra_programme_trento_2013_nov_11-12.pdf download>programme of the course.


The course is tailored for the Doctoral School students of the EIT ICT Labs.


EIT ICT Labs, Trento CLC / University of Trento
Via Sommarive 18/ Via Sommarive 5
Trento, Italy

Contact: Maria Luisa Carosso


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Co-Funded by the European Union