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The EIT ICT Labs partners in Rennes (*) will welcome Willem Jonker for a full day session on February 28th.

This will be a day of intense discussions:

The morning session will gather decision makers from the EIT ICT Labs partners in Rennes, as well as other key players, institutionals and politics. They will share on the Rennes and EIT ICT Labs strategies and synergies.

The afternoon session will be open to a larger audience of the EIT ICT Labs partners’ representatives. It will be the occasion for an update on the EIT ICT Labs operations and business plan. It will also illustrate the innovation potential in Rennes in a couple of areas of excellence: medias & contents, 4G mobile networks, interaction and VR, cloud computing.

This visit takes place at a time where the position of Rennes as a capital-city in ICT was just confirmed by the recent labeling by the French government of the B-Com Institute of Research and Technology (IRT) under the national program ‘Investissements d’Avenir’ (‘Invest for the Future’). Gathering industrials, SMEs and research labs, B-Com will be one of the only 2 IRTs in ICT in France. It will focus on the networks, medias and contents of the future.


(*) The EIT ICT Labs partners in Rennes are: Orange, Alcatel-Lucent, INRIA, Institut Telecom, University Rennes 1 and the competitiveness cluster ‘Images & Networks’.


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