Events Archive

What is it about?

EIT ICT Labs is organising a series of round tables on selected topics in Smart Energy Systems. 

The goal is to bring around one table the relevant stakeholders (in particular energy companies and ICT companies) to discuss potential innovation avenues in the development of ICT for Smart Energy Systems.

Trento Round Table 

The Trento Round Table will focus on the theme of Big Data for Smart Energy Systems.

Date: 4 December 2013
Location: Trento CLC (Via Sommarive 18, Trento)

In the transition towards Smart Grids and Smart Energy Systems one key element will be represented by data. Energy companies will be faced with enormous amounts of data being generated either from within smart grid infrastructures (e.g., PMUs) or from end-points (e.g., smart meters and smart inverters attached to renewable energy sources). This represents both a challenge and an opportunity. A challenge, in that energy companies will need to tackle large-scale data management issues, something which is out of their core business and competences. An opportunity, in that such data, if appropriately mined and analysed, can provide actionable insights for optimizing the whole energy value chain. Vice versa, from an ICT company perspective this can lead to new business opportunities, with a market estimated already at 2+B$ in 2013. 

The Trento round table will provide participants with a deep understanding of the problems faced by energy companies and their priorities, together with knowledge on state-of-art ICT solutions that could be applied to tackle such problems. One expected output will be the identification of gaps, both in terms of regulations and policies as well as in technology development.

Contact: Daniele Miorandi

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