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Pr. Willem Jonker, CEO EIT Digital

Pr. Willem Jonker, CEO EIT Digital

November 8, 2017 - The European organisation EIT Digital whose mission is to raise the digital European champions is celebrating its French partner INRIA's 50th Anniversary. For the occasion, CEO Pr. Willem Jonker will participate to a roundtable on Tuesday November 8 at the 104 in Paris on the theme: Industrial actors, why bet on public research?

CEO Pr. Willem Jonker comments: "I am honored to participate to this debate. The future of digital transformation in Europe lies in the development of complex technologies. Research is crucial to achieve this. But we also have to bring this research on the market and scale it. Here is where industrial actors play a key role".

The roundtable will include major French Tech actors: Eric Leandri (CEO and founder of QWANT), Christophe Shaw (Microsoft Commercial Software Engineering) and Marcus Weldon (CTO Bell Labs).

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