Events Archive

On October 13 and October 14 our Business Development Accelerator (BDA) team welcomes Steli Efti, CEO and Co-Founder of and ElasticSales, where he helps thousands of startups succeed in scaling their sales efforts. He will provide and intensive training on ‚Sales Hacking & Deal Closing‘.

Programme Outline:

What the Start-Ups will learn in this workshop:

  • Why engineers speak a different language than sales people.
  • How one can get over the  reluctance to do sales to sell more software (without selling their souls).
  • Tactics for getting over the pain of rejection when doing sales calls (and sales generally).
  • How to qualify prospects so they  don’t waste time pursuing deals which they’d never, ever close and can instead concentrate on the deals which their  personal attention will cause to close quickly.


Location Ernst-Reuter-Platz 7 | 6th floor 10587 Berlin (Germany)


EIT ICT Labs Berlin Node

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Co-Funded by the European Union