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What every researcher or start-up should know about intellectual property rights in ICT, free training by professionals from the European Patent Office.

This training has been especially tailored to provide you, researchers, students, business people, with key information and knowledge on:

How to bring safely the results of your research to the market.

You will learn to:

  • evaluate and analyse your results from a go-to-market point of view
  • protect your research results
  • patent and manage the whole patenting process



09.00 - 12.30 From invention to innovation

12.30 - 13.30 Networking lunch

13.30 - 16.30 Creating value from intellectual property

Limited number of participantsregister here before October 17, an early registration will give you priority!

Location: EIT ICT Labs

23 avenue d'Italie 3rd floor

75013 Paris - Metro Place d'Italie 


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Co-Funded by the European Union