Events Archive

Security, Privacy and Trust workshop will be held at the Trento Co-Location Centre on April 20th, from 9am to 2pm.

The goal of the workshop is to socialize activity and projects ideas fitting the 2013 call and initiate the process of partner aggregation.


9:00    Opening, introduction and agenda
9:10    Overview of EIT ICT labs, actions lines, catalysts and KPI's (Roberto Saracco)
9:30    Overview of the Privacy, Security and Trust action line, discussion about the future call for activities 2013 (Sébastien Gambs)
9:45    Presentation of the network of excellence Nessos and other projects (Fabio Martinelli)
10:00  Presentation of HIIT, Aalto University (Olli Pitkänen)
10:15  Presentation of Philips (Jerry den Hartog)
10:30  Short break
10:45  Presentation of the Faculty of EEMCS, University of Twente (Luuk Spreeuwers)
11:00  Set up of possible collaborations and new activities for the 2013 call for activities
12:00  Lunch
12:45  Continuation of discussion on possible collaborations and new activities for the 2013 call
14:00  Closing of the meeting

People interested in attending should contact Sébastien Gambs with copy to

Logistic information you can find here.

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