Events Archive


Location: University of Trento - DISI, Via Sommarive 5, Meeting room "Yoram Ofek"
Date: November 27th, 14:30

In 2008 NIST launched the SHA-3 competition in order of selecting a possible substitution of the SHA-2 algorithm. The competition ended on the 2nd of October with the announcement of Keccak as the winner algorithm. In this lecture there will be an overview of the competition and a special focus on the Keccak algorithm.

About the speaker:

Guido Bertoni is leader of the action line "Security, Privacy and Trust". He is a cryptographer, part of the security team of the corporate R&D of STMicroelectronics. He obtained a degree in computer science engineering and a PhD from Politecnico di Milano. 
His research interests are focused on efficient and secure implementations of cryptographic algorithms. He has been contract professor at Politecnico di Milano and actively participated to different workshop and conferences as CHES and FDTC as member of the program committee. He is co-author of more than 40 papers. 
Together with Joan Daemen, Michael Peeters and Gilles Van Assche have designed the hash functions Keccak and RadioGatĂșn.

Contact: Bruno Crispo

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