Events Archive

Join the inspiring and skill-building Patent Booster training, a one-day event teaching you how to protect and turn your research results into commercial assets.
The Patent Booster training is tailored to researchers, start-ups and doctoral students in the ICT field. It is designed to give you essential information and insights into patents, patenting and commercialization of your research results and technologies. With relevant and interactive workshops you learn how to evaluate & develop ideas, and how to protect & exploit research results and technologies.


After the training event you will know how to
• Evaluate your research results and technologies from a commercialization point of view
• Bring your research results and technologies to the market
• Exploit and protect your research results and technologies
• Patent and manage the patenting process


Registration is closed!

The Patent Booster training is free of charge and conducted by technology transfer professionals and experts from the European Patent Office (EPO). 

Please fill out the registration form online and spread the word about the training to your colleagues. The deadline for registration is 15 October 2013. Seats are limited and an early registration gives you priority.

Agenda for the day, October 23rd

09.00-12.30 | Creating value from intellectual property, Eva Hopper (European Patent Office)

  • Introduction to IP rights with a focus on patents - How to obtain protection in Europe
  • Patenting in the ICT area
  • Searching for patents - How to use the Espacenet database & patent information

12.30-13.30 | Networking lunch with participants

13.30-16.30 | Turning invention into innovations, Andrea Ravaioli (University of Bologna)

  • What is an invention and an innovation?
  • The idea. The context. The team. The money.
  • Pitching ideas (Prepare, pitch, follow up). Practical exercise and discussion.
  • Customer value
  • INSWIN pitch model


The training takes place at the ICT Labs Co-Location Center in Trento, Via Sommarive 18, Trento, Italy. Click here for map.


Please send us an email

About Speakers

Dr Eva Hopper works as a patent examiner at the Munich branch of the European Patent Office (Germany) since 2001. She is specialised in the search and examination of patent applications in the field of computer-implemented inventions, ranging from areas such as e-commerce, banking, office administration, payment schemes and vending machines. She has presented the practice of the European Patent Office in this field at a number of international conferences and law firms. She is also involved in training activities for training new EPO colleagues and passed the European Qualifying Examination in 2006. Before joining the Office, Eva Hopper was working as a consultant in the field of e-Commerce. She holds a PhD and MSc in electrical engineering from Cardiff University, United Kingdom. Her research activities focussed on optimisation and meta-heuristic algorithms.

Dr Andrea Ravaioli works as a knowledge transfer manager at the Research and Technology Transfer Division of the University of Bologna, Italy, since 2009. He mainly deal with the exploitation of patents and other Intellectual Property Rights, through licensing-out (negotiation of business terms and management of agreements) or spin-out companies (supporting service to young entrepreneurs). He is involved in training activities for researchers and technical-administrative personnel. He is graduated in management engineering and, before joining the Research and Technology Transfer Division, he had a three-years experience in research activities in the ICT sector.   

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Co-Funded by the European Union