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One of the EIT ICT Labs’ focus areas is Smart Retail Solutions. We work on applying innovative ICT technologies to create new businesses and introduce them to the market. In mid-February EIT ICT Labs together with four innovative companies participate in the world's leading retail trade fair, EuroShop, in Düsseldorf, Germany. The companies are Bluemark Innovations (NL), Cliris (FR), Innorange (FI) and U-hopper (ITA). 

Smart Retail for customer analysis

Smart Retail brings new experiences to customers while visiting retail stores and shopping areas. Customers are able to access in-shop digital services online with their own devices. For the retailers, the solutions offer more sophisticated information about customer behavior and efficiency for their operations. The companies that EIT ICT Labs is promoting at EuroShop offer intelligent solutions for the retailers to understand their customers behaviour. 

BlueMark Innovations BV is a Dutch privately owned technology firm that specializes in detecting and locating smartphones. BlueMark’s technology enables to detect the presence and/or localization of smartphones with superior accuracy and without the need for an app on a mobile phone. The technology can be used for various applications like crowd control, market research and mobile navigation.

The French company Cliris revolutionises behavioural analysis of shoppers by image processing. The Cliris solution automatically captures human behaviours on camera in real time. It identifies the customer flows, the age groups, the gender or the customer navigation inside the store. The captured images are instantaneously translated in numerical data, and no video is registered. 

The Finnish company Innorange offers next generation business intelligence solutions to increase the sales on retailers' physical sales points. Innorange’s solution analyses by-passer traffic, visitor traffic and sales conversion proposing actions how to optimize staffing, where to focus the marketing investments and how to improve sales conversion. The solution is built on sensor networks that observes the movement of mobile devices on the area, and does not require any installed applications making it very affordable for the retailer.  

U-hopper comes from Trento, Italy. One of their retail product is RetailerIN, a smart retailer analytics platform, which transforms data on how customers move inside a store into actionable information, enabling shop managers to optimize the store layout and operations in order to increase profitability. 

EIT ICT Labs accelerating SME businesses 

These four companies belong to the Business Development Accelerator programme of EIT ICT Labs where they get strategic coaching, access to the local ecosystem and the European network of EIT ICT Labs' partners. We also provide the companies opportunities to attend big events and fairs in order to find new customers or resellers and grow internationally. 

Welcome to meet us at Hall 7.0 stands D28.1-D28.4!





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Co-Funded by the European Union