An EIT Digital Wellbeing Networking Event
April 4, 2019 - 9:30-13:30
EIT Digital Stockholm
Isafjordsgatan 26
164 40 Kista, Sweden
Combining data analytics with wearable sensors allows to better monitor physical and athletic performance to prevent injuries. Further, physiotherapeutic exercises in combination with remote sensing and gamification empowers outpatient motor rehabilitation.
Smart sensors can gather subtle changes in biomechanical data overtime. Using predictive analytics, onbody smart sensors can use these readings to detect early warning signs of health problems. This can be a benefit to reduce risks, make healthcare systems more efficient and reduce costs.
This networking event is also an opportunity to better understand the benefits of engaging in the strongest Digital Wellbeing community in Europe – in the ecosystem of EIT Digital.
SPEAKERS (more details will follow closer to the date)
Begonya Otal - Innovation Leader, EIT Digital: "An introduction to the Digital Wellbeing Focus Area and the EIT Digital 2020 Innovation Factory"
Jonas Wåhslén - Researcher and lecturer, KTH/ Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm: "IoT solutions for e-Health and Sports application”
Christer Norström - Founder and working chair, Racefox: "Reflections from the development of Racefox - a data driven AI coach for endurance training in skiing and running"
Christer Norström is the founder and working chair of Racefox, a startup that focuses on digital coaching in sports, based on real-time data from sensors, big data and AI. Previously, Christer was CEO of SICS, Vice president for Mälardalen University and professor of program and systems engineering. He has many years of industrial experience in automation. His latest position in the industry was as a technology manager at ABB Robotics. He is also an adjunct professor of computer science with a focus on IOT at KTH. Christer is also a member of The Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA).
Michael Collaros - Co-founder, Norna: "The prediction of behavior in elderly people"
Maarten Gijssel - CEO, Kinetic Analysis & Victor Beerkens - Owner and Executive Director, Sport eXperience: "Sportification as driving factor for digital wellbeing"
The event will be facilitated by Loredana Cerrato, EIT Digital Co-Location Centre Manager Stockholm.
Attendance is free, but places are limited and we charge a no-show fee of 500 SEK!