Events Archive

Date: 26.03.2013
Place: Helsinki Co-location Centre, Otaniementie 19 B (2nd floor), 02150 Espoo, Finland

As part of preparing the Call 2014 of EIT ICT Labs and Smart Spaces action line, we are organising a one-day strategy workshop in Helsinki Co-location Centre on March 26th. The objective is to further clarify the major challenges that will the basis of the Call 2014 activities and Strategic Innovation Agenda, and the particular business opportunities in Smart Spaces.

This event is open to all partners of EIT ICT Labs. We will not go to the activity level planning yet, this will be started in Paris on April 16-18 at the EIT ICT Labs Partner Event.

Please register here for the Smart Spaces Workshop. 

The working titles of the three challenges in Smart Spaces are:

1. Smart Urban Experience
2. Smart Retail Experience
3. Smart Office/Collaboration Environment

The workshop agenda:

9:00 Opening and introduction
9:30 Challenges - Smart Urban Experience (intro and discussion)
10:15  Challenges - Smart Retail Experience  (intro and discussion) 
11:00  Challenges - Smart Office/Collaboration Environment  (intro and discussion)
11:45 Lunch
12:30 New openings (other topics)
13:15 Group work assignment
14:30 Coffee break
14:45 Wrap-up of group work
15:45 Conclusion and next steps
16:30 Closing


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