Events Archive

Welcome to Smart Spaces workshop to see and experience the results of Smart Spaces action line activities in 2013. Smart Spaces action line targets to create new businesses by comfortable service experiences for users in every-day working and living environments. The workshop will highlight created new products and services, and present the established new ventures. There will be also be several technology demos in a poster session. The workshop will be  concluded with a session on Foresight on future Smart Spaces topics.


Date: Tuesday, November 19th, 2013
Place: EIT ICT Labs Helsinki CLC, address: Otaniementie 19b, Espoo, Finland
Room: Seminar Hall on the first floor 



9:30 Welcome, Petri Liuha, EIT ICT Labs

Smart Retail
9:45 Keynote
10:20 Semantic Light for retail, Zary Segall, KTH
10:40 Retail Analytics, tba
1:00 Augmentation for retail space, tba  

11:30 Lunch Break + poster/demo session

Other Smart Spaces results
12:30 Public Interactive Screens, Christina Dicke, TU Berlin
12:50 Mediating Presence, Charlie Gullström, KTH
13:10 Connected Textiles, Katharina Bredies, Telekom
13:30 Mobile Urban Augmentation, Ville-Veikko Mattila, Nokia
13:50 Tag-based multimedia service  

14:00 Coffee break + poster/demo session cont’d

14:30 Smart Spaces foresight workshop
16:30 Closing

There will be follow-up events on November 20th. More information coming soon. 

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