Events Archive

Welcome to the EIT ICT Labs Social Entrepreneurship Inspiration and Pitching Afternoon which will take place on 10th February 2014 from 1 pm to 5 pm. 

Are you a social entrepreneur or interested in social entrepreneurship - sign up for an inspiring afternoon with EIT ICT Labs Stockholm, Social Venture Fund (Germany) and guests. We have invited speakers representing investors, entrepreneurs and incubators to talk about social entrepreneurship.

For administration and catering purposes, please register here to participate in the afternoon event. Deadline for registration is 5th February 2014.

Are you running a social venture?Are you an entrepreneur looking for funding to grow your social venture? Johannes Weber from Social Venture Fund in Germany is interested in meeting with companies for potential investment. Ventures, which are supported by the Social Venture Fund, must have proven success on the market (proof-of concept) and also be willing and able to expand. The guidelines as to how they evaluate a venture can be found on under “Investment Criteria”. Six ventures will get the opportunity to a 10 minute pitching session.

To apply for a pitching opportunitysign up here. Deadline for applications is 29th January 2014.

Venue: EIT ICT Labs Stockholm CLC, Isafjordsgatan 26, floor 3, elevator C


13:00 Johannes Weber, Social Venture Fund
13:30 David Lundborg, Centre for Social Entrepreneurship, Stockholm University
14:00 Swedish Fika/Coffee break
14:30 Jakob Rasmussen, CityMart
15:00 Ruth Brännvall, Impact Invest Sweden
15:30 Networking
17:00 End of Event

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Co-Funded by the European Union