Events Archive

Until August 18th you can still register for the Summer School focusing on green mobile 5G networks, taking place August 26-28 in Stockholm. For registration, program and more information about arrangements for travel / accommodation visit the following link:

The EIT ICT Labs project 5GrEEn’s Summer School is tailored for engineers and researchers active or interested in energy efficiency in wireless networks. The education event targets Post Docs, PhD and Master Students as well as participants from industry and other organisations.

The course will cover both some basics as well as state of the art issues. Participants need some background, engagement and motivation in the area. The event is not intended as a first level starter course.

Leading researchers and industry representatives from Ericsson Research, Wireless@KTH, Telecom Italia, Vienna University of Technology, IMEC, GSMA, CTTC Barcelona etc. will present various views, models and challenges. The course will be a mix of class education and conference with headroom for discussions and debates.

Students will be given tasks to prepare in advance and during the event. The course is defined for 3 ECTS credits according to the rules of KTH, Royal Institute of Technology.

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Co-Funded by the European Union