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Do you have a brilliant idea? Got the right skills as team player? As Entrepeneur? And you just need a little help from an expert? Come to the Startup Weekend on 1, 2, 3 March at the High Tech Campus in Eindhoven. Meet and match with fellow partners. This Startup Weekend is the 3rd edition and is also powered by EIT ICT Labs.

Select your team, make a business plan, start building your product or proto, contribute and experience the teamspirit, And have a great time during whole the weekend! Are you the new Ilse? Tomtom?, ASML?

Location: The Strip, High Tech Campus Eindhoven, the Netherlands.

Startup Weekend is a global movement of active entrepreneurs who are learning the basics of creating and launching successful startups. It is the largest community of passionate entrepreneurs. Experience building your business in a weekend.

Attendees are primarily technological experts, designers, researchers, developers and business people – who turn ideas into startups!


How: After a pitching session on Friday, teams will be formed around the most popular ideas. Startup Weekend Eindhoven is open to individuals, existing teams looking for additional expertise are welcome as well.  

Go for more information and registration to:


EIT ICT Labs Master School Students and EIT ICT Labs HWB PdEng students, based in the Netherlands, and wanting to pick up the challenge can contact:

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Co-Funded by the European Union