Events Archive

Trento RISE offers a possibility to join Trento Startup Weekend at Trento Node Co-Location Centre.

Startup Weekend is an intense 54 hour event which focuses on building a web or mobile application which could form the basis of a credible business over the course of a weekend. The weekend brings together people with different skillsets - primarily software developers, graphics designers and business people - to build applications and develop a commercial case around them.



05:30pm – Welcome and Registration
06:00pm – Speaker 1:
06:15pm - Speaker 2: Trento RISE
06.30pm – Speaker 3: Amazon Web Services
07:00pm – Pitches Start (60 seconds each)
08:00pm – Attendees vote for the top ideas
08:15pm – Dinner & Networking
09:00pm – Teams start forming and discussing ideas
10:00pm – Start to formalize teams and take an inventory of skills. Be honest, and direct about what resources and skills are needed for the weekend. You may stay and work as late as the venue will allow.
11:59pm – Venue closes


09:30am – Venue opens
12:00pm – Speaker 4: Francesco Apuzzo - Performando
12:30pm – Speaker 5: Brennercom
01:00pm – Lunch
02:30pm  - Speaker 6: Noah Brier, co-founder Percolate (via Skype from the USA)
07:00pm – Speaker 6: Arianna Bassoli - CPO FreStyl
07:30pm – Speaker 7: To be defined
08:00pm – Dinner
11:59pm – Venue closes  


09:30am – Venue opens
12:00pm – Speaker 8: Andrea Giannangelo - CEO Iubenda
12:30pm – Speaker 9: EarlyBird
01:00pm – Lunch
06:30pm – Judging & awards
07:00pm – Wrapup
07:30pm – Go home!

Further information:

Ticket information:

The event is officially supported by and

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Co-Funded by the European Union