Events Archive

Inclusive teamwork

Embedding a trans-disciplinary, scaffolded, context-specific approach which improves local and international students’ team-skills, global competencies and experience

Welcome to an EIT ICT Labs Stockholm DTC seminar, June 10, 2.30 pm

Venue: EIT ICT Labs Stockholm Co-location Centre, Isafjordsgatan 26, elevator C, floor 3

Since 2011, a trans-disciplinary group of a course coordinator, an academic advisor, a student counsellor and tutors has been working in what is regarded as a ‘pretty tough space’, developing and embedding inclusive teamwork in a second year undergraduate multidisciplinary course in - within the school of IT and Maths Sciences (ITMS), University of South Australia. Students’ teamwork aversion is often linked to poor personal/intercultural, oral and written communication skills. The embedded approach has turned this around, improving intercultural and team-skills as global competencies and consequently reduced interpersonal difficulties for students and staff. As a result, the team involved received a University of South Australia Citation for improving student learning in 2013.

This presentation focusses on:

  • Sharing the theory and practice of this scaffolded, incremental approach to embedding inclusive teamwork in a systems development context; including some of the core activities used for teambuilding.
  • Explaining how students learn to recognise behaviours associated with their use of rank and power that exclude or include others, thus enhancing their life-long capacity to work effectively in diverse groups.

Dr Elena Sitnikova, PhD, BE(Hons), CSSLP

Dr Elena SitnikovaElena Sitnikova is Program Director for the Master of Science (Cyber Security and Forensic Computing) program of the Division of Information Technology, Engineering and the Environment at the University of South Australia (UniSA) in Adelaide, Australia. Elena currently leads the Critical Infrastructure area within the Information Assurance Research Group researching SCADA and process control systems cyber security. Her main research interests are in critical infrastructure protection and security, quality assurance and enterprise process capability improvement. Elena is an Executive Member of and Champion for the Australasian Association for Engineering Education (AAEE) as well as a key member of the Australian Council of Deans for Information and Communications Technology (ACDICT). She is one of four Australian Learning and Teaching Academy (ALTA) Fellows appointed to develop existing ICT learning and teaching networks. In addition to her experience within the tertiary sector, she has worked closely with various technology sectors over 15 years - including working with the Motorola Australia Global Software Group.

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Co-Funded by the European Union