Events Archive

November 13th 2014 09.00 - 14.00
Auditorium A, Electrum and EIT ICT Labs Stockholm CLC​

Welcome to Results Day where you will learn more about how we educate a new generation of technical students with additional skills in Innovation and Entreprenurship, how we integrate Education, Research and Business in order to transform ideas to products, from the labs to the marketplace.

Talk to our teachers, students, staff and meet some of our start-ups - BioSync, Evothings, Furhat Robotics, Gleechi, Jukeboss, Shortcut Labs, Runtroll, Telcred and Business Development team.

At our Co-location Centre in Kista we will showcase innovations in the areas of Future Networking Solutions, Health & Wellbeing, Smart Spaces, Urban Life & Mobility and Smart Energy systems.


Venue: Electrum, KTH Auditorium Sal A, level 2 09:00 - 11:00


Registration, coffee and juice


EIT ICT Labs bringing innovations to the market 2010-2014

Gunnar Landgren, Node Director, EIT ICT Labs Stockholm


Future Networking Solutions:

An Industrial Perspective on Collaborative Innovation in EIT ICT Labs

Anders Caspar, Director of External Research Relations, Ericsson Research


Panel: Integrating Education, Research and Business - from Student to Entrepreneur, from Labs to Market, from Ideas to Products. Moderator Thomas Andersson, CEO, Kista Science City

- Anders Flodström, Education Director, EIT ICT Labs and Manfred Micaux, graduated MS student KTH / UPS

- Neiva Lindqvist, Ericsson and Magnus Boman, Innovation Intelligence, SICS

- Maria Nilsson, Access to Finance, STING and Björn Hovstadius, Business Development Accelerator Coordinator


Coffee break and demonstration area open in the EIT ICT Labs Co-location Centre (CLC). Learn more about Mobile Backhaul, Software Defined Networks, LTE for Smart Energy Systems, Gaming Simulation for transportation, sharing virtual spaces, creating smart connections between the physical and digital world etc.


Lunch and demonstration area open until 14.00


Download the programme as PDF.

The event is co-organised wth the EIT ICT Labs Idea Challenge on Internet of Things finals on November 13th and the Future Networking Seminar on November 14th.

The event is by invitation only but if you wish to receive an invitation please email:

EIT ICT Labs Stockholm, Isafjordsg 26 / Kistagången16, Kista

Please register at:

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Co-Funded by the European Union