On 12-24 July 2015, the 4th Summer School ‘Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Health and Wellbeing, is going to take place, at the High Tech Camp Eindhoven, the Netherlands. The venue this year is in the Co-location Centre (CLC) Eindhoven itself.
Organising the Summer School in the CLC, gives participants the opportunity to work for 2 weeks, in a business environment at a hot spot of ICT innovation such as the High Tech Campus. As a cross-over to the creative and cultural area in Eindhoven, a day of working at Strijp-S, is inserted in the programme.
Activity of the Innovation Action Line Health and Wellbeing
This Summer School is an activity of the Innovation Action Line Health and Wellbeing. The HWB theme will be introduced through lectures and workshops on life style trends, and on ways to assess, measure and promote fitness and mental wellbeing. Throughout the two weeks participants will work in teams of five to six students on projects. In these teams the students will work on real-life business cases coming from EIT Digital’s partners. The team work will be alternated with master classes, meetings with entrepreneurs, site visits and coaching on the spot. In the weekend, a social event is planned to visit a Dutch city for exploring it in a day. All in all, this years’ Summer School promises to be an adventurous raft!
Registration is closed
For EIT Digital Master School students the Summer School Health and Wellbeing is obliged as it is part of the Innovation and Entrepreneurship programme. However, next to the participation of the EIT Digital Master School students, the door was wide open for external students as well. This resulted in an international group of in total 47-50 participants consisting out of 19 nationalities (of which 9 students coming from the Netherlands). Hence, with a number of 47-50 participants, the capacity is reached and therefore the local organisers, the Co-location Centre Eindhoven, closed the registration of the Summer School on Health and Wellbeing last Friday, 12 June.
More information on the Summer School on Health and Wellbeing needed?
Mail to: eindhoven@eitdigital.eu
Watch the impression video of last Summer School 2014!
General information on the EIT Digital Summer Schools