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In the darkest days of December we are happy to have a celebration of light and hope as Lucia and her followers come early in the morning bringing lights, cakes and hot drink and songs of the Yuletide.

Wearing a white gown with a red sash and a crown of green lingonberry leaves and candles on her head, Lucia walks at the head of a procession of maids and star bearers, each holding a candle. The candles symbolize the fire that refused to take the young Italian Lucia’s life when she as an early Christian was sentenced to be burned. She became a saint and the main song is the traditional Neapolitan song Santa Lucia; the Italian lyrics describe the view from Santa Lucia in Naples, the various Scandinavian lyrics are fashioned for the occasion, describing the light with which Lucia overcomes the darkness.

After the Lucia chorus programme the Stockholm CLC welcome students and members of the community to some traditional "lussefika" with saffron buns, ginger breads and other sweets. Stockholm Marcom Manager Marianne Loor will give a presentation of the Swedish preparations and traditions of Swedish Christmas and surviving the dark period by various festivities, food and fun.


08:45 - 09:15 : Santa Lucia chorale in the Electrum Atrium
09:15 - 10:00 : Lussefika at CLC and talk about Swedish Xmas traditions

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