Events Archive


Berlin Co-location centre, October 10th–12th 2011

This two-day workshop will gather the participants to the Technology Transfer Program Catalyst in 2011 and 2012, with the main intents of (1) reflecting on the vision and content of the activity (2) sharing progress status and final plans with respect to 2011 activities (2) further define plans 2012.

At this opportunity, we are pleased to host Wim Vanhaverbeke (, who will give a talk entitled “IPR management in Open Innovation”.

Klaus Beetz, ICT Labs Business Manager, will address the workshop attendees with a presentation on ICT Labs Business activities & strategy overview

The main goals of the Technology Transfer Program Catalyst (TTP) are to:

  1. Detect, stimulate and support Technology Transfer opportunities between academic research organisations and industry;
  2. Provide a number of tools for facilitating such Technology Transfer opportunities and projects;
  3. Provide a process for advising and supporting Technology Transfer activities in EIT ICT Labs, i.e.,Thematic Action Lines, and/or at Partners’ organisations.

The focus of this Catalyst is at the innovation funnel's front-end, between research and the identification of a potential innovation. Innovation is defined here as “technology in context of the definition of a potential value along with a business model”. The identification of a potential innovation is therefore a decision point of an effective transfer, such as the creation of a company or the decision to license to an existing company.

More precisely, research organisations generally experience a gap between their research activities and potential commercialisation, so need tools and processes to help bridge the gap; while they generally can improve the technology and its implementation (technology maturation), business maturation receives less attention. Also, many academic researchers and potential innovators have little prior information on what to accomplish to move their project further and transforming it into a valuable innovation, whether as a start-up candidate or to be handed-off to a small, medium or large company.


Monday October 10th

11:00-13:00      Networking; Lunch

13:00-15:00      Invited Speaker: Wim Vanhaverbeke: “IPR management in Open Innovation

Wim Vanhaverbeke ( is a Professor of Strategy & Organisation at the Hasselt University  (Belgium) in the Department of Business Studies and is appointed as visiting professor "Open innovation" at ESADE (Spain) and the Vlerick Leuven Gent School of Management (Belgium). He is one of the co-editors (with H. Chesbrough and J. West) of the book Open Innovation: Researching a New Paradigm, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006.

15:30-16:00     Session 0: Introductions; Agenda review; Goals of the workshop (Gilbert Harrus)

16:30-17:00     Session 1: EIT ICT Labs Business activities & strategy overview (Klaus Beetz)

17:00-17:45     Session 2: Technology Transfer Program– Overview and vision (Gilbert Harrus)

19:00                Dinner

Tuesday October 11th

09:00-12:00     Session 3a: Good Practices workshop (Stéphane Dalmas)

The session will start with an overview on Good Practices studies (what is it about, how to conduct them). Some workshop participants will briefly present their perceived good practices. Discussion. Plans 2012.

09:00-12:00     Session 3b: Cross-Cluster Networking 2011 and Catalyst 2012 (Isabelle De Sutter)

12:00-13:30     Lunch

13:30-17:00     Session 4: Open/Joint Innovation Projects & Technology Transfer between Academia and Companies (Gunnar Brink, Kåre Gustafsson)

Align goals, assumptions and expertise; Define a draft work plan for 2012.

Wednesday October 12th

09:00-09:45     Session 5a: Cross-Sharing Technology Showcases (David Monteau)

10:00-12:00     Session 6: Technology Transfer Projects Advisory and Coaching Programs (Gilbert Harrus)

Status, review/discussion on structure and deliverables 2011, Plans 2012.

12:00-12:30     Session 7: Meeting closure (Gilbert Harrus)

For more information, please contact Gilbert Harrus

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Co-Funded by the European Union