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Trento RISE, core partner of the EIT ICT Labs Italian Node, has launched TechPeaks - the first people accelerator.

What is TechPeaks

TechPeaks is a People Accelerator aimed at individuals or teams with skills, talent and passion to start-up successful global businesses in information technology.
The main focus is to convert bright international talents into startups founders through a 6 month high pressure program.
All participants are provided with an exceptional opportunity package: free accomodation, free working space, free visa support and a monthly living allowance.

How does it work?

Over the first two weeks ideas are validated using lean methodologies. Individuals and teams can combine in order to create a complete and solid skill set. From the second week on, teams pitch ideas in front of private investors to gain a non-equity cash grant of 25k€
Top-notch mentors with global business and technology backgrounds provide coaching and valuable connections.

TechPeaks Mentors Team

Top-notch mentors with global business, tech, design, investment and leadership background will coach the participants through intensive mentorship.
Here are some of them: Andy Parsons (Co-founder/CTO at Happify), Obie Fernandez, (CTO Lean StartUp Machine), Renaud Visage (Co-Founder & CTO at Eventbrite), Rebecca Paoletti (CEO, Co-founder – CakeWorks), Evan Nisselson, (Investor and Mentor at Seedcamp, 500 start-ups, Mind the Bridge), Peter Stern (CEO at, Jeremiah Robinson (VP, Software at Jawbone), Michael Geer (Founder badoo.com and others.
See all the mentors here:

Call for mentors

Trento Rise is looking for mentors from EIT ICT Labs Industry partners willing to join the mentors team. 

If you are interested please write to before April 2nd.

More info:

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Co-Funded by the European Union