Events Archive

The Cloudberry-EIT ICT Labs Event 2015
May 27-28 Luleå, Sweden

Welcome to two days focusing on emerging scientific challenges in the area of Data centers and Cloud. Key note speakers include IBM, Ericsson and Cisco.

We will visit the Hydro66 Data center in Boden, that is under construction. There will also be a social event were we go for a midnight sun evening cruise in the Luleå archipelago with an accompanying dinner on board.

During the two days, you will get an understanding of what is going on in the data center area in north Sweden, from the new Testlab to the regional initiative that is working to further accelerate business growth.


Wednesday, May 27

Moderator: Mikael Börjeson, Cloudberry

09.00 - 10.00Registration and coffee
10.00 - 10.30Opening session: Cloudberry, EIT ICT Labs and Niklas Nordström, Deputy Mayor in Luleå
10.30 - 11.30Apply Big Data Analytics to Streaming Data (IoT), Frank Ketelaars, Big Data Technical Leader
Europe at IBM
11.30 - 12.15Cloud Business Logic and Technology, Azimeh Sefidcon, Ericsson
12.15 - 13.30Lunch and demonstrations of Cloudberry pilot projects
13.30 - 14.00The Data center initiative, Mikael Börjesson, LTU
14.00 - 14.30Greenhouse - Decentralized DevOps and Automation Tools for Software Containers, Johan Kristiansson & Daniel Espling, Ericsson
14.30 - 15.00Coffee break

15.00 - 15.30
Cloudberry pilot presentations:
Docker containers: Resource usage monitoring, Lara Lorna Jimenez & Miguel Gomez Simon
15.30 - 16.00Big Data Analytics: Understanding the past to prepare for the future, Ahmed Elragal
16.00 - 16.30Attaining Energy Efficiency in Modern Data Centers via Intelligent Industrial Automation: Ideas and Activities, Arash Mousavi & Gulnara Zhabelova
16.30 - 16.45Summary of day one
16.45 - 17.00Buses to Elite hotel for check in
17.00 - 17.50Check in at Elite hotel
17.50 - 18.00Walk from Elite hotel to the South harbor
18.00 -Cruise with Laponia with dinner on the boat


Thursday, May 28

Moderator: Michael Nilsson, Cloudberry

08.45 - 09.15Bus from Elite hotel to Boden
09.15 - 10.00Visit to the Hydro66 Data center, that is under construction.
10.00 - 10.30Bus back from Boden to LTU, Luleå
10.30 - 11.00Coffee break
11.00 - 11.30Hydro66 - building a rule breaking data centre in the Node Pole, Andy Long
11.30 - 12.00Datacenter challenges for the future, KnC Miner, Sam Cole, Co-Founder & CEO
12.00 - 13.15Lunch
13.15 - 13.45Cloud Control: Managing Resources in Cloud Computing Datacenters, Erik Elmroth, Umeå University
13.45 - 14.20Datacenter Network Service Orchestration, Stefan Wallin, Cisco Cloud & Virtualization Group
14.20 - 14.45Coffee
14.45 - 15.15SICS ICE data center in Luleå, Tor Björn Minde, SICs Testlab
15.15 - 15.45Cooling of computer centers, Staffan Lundström, Professor at LTU in Fluid and Experimental Mechanics
15.45 - 16.15Hybrida cloud, Karan Mitra
16.15 - 17.00Panel discussion & wrap up



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Co-Funded by the European Union