Events Archive

TTTT @Stockholm CLC: Sasan Shaba about KTH partnership with 

Welcome to the Thursday Tea Time talk on February 20 between 16 and 17 at the Stockholm CLC where Sasan Shaba from Student Inc.,KTH will talk about KTH’s new partnership with 

This organisaiton was created by Michael Baum, an American serial entrepreneur, to help top students from the 10 best universities in the US to build their start-ups. 

In 2014, the organisation opened up and have include 12 European universities, of which KTH is one. is built around the yearly competition - $100K Competition - where the 10 finalists wins 100 000 dollar each to accelerate their business. 

The 10 finalists plus an other 50 gets a place at the University, a virtual 12-month course that focuses on helping young entrepreneurs to start up a successful business.

This collaboration also gives KTH students with new company access to the Capital, a venture capital fund investing in early stage start-ups. 

This should further increase the chances of early and continuous business success.

Please register here for participation on February 20

PS: Save the date for the launch of the $100K Competition that will take place on 6th March. 

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Co-Funded by the European Union