Events Archive

Two weeks' intense course GROWTH and HARVEST

The EIT Digital Trento Doctoral Training Centre organises the autumn edition of the Growth and Harvest course. This course is the last module of the Innovation & Entrepreneurship programme of the EIT Digital Doctoral School and it offers training on the business and international growth of all sizes companies.


The Growth and Harvest (GH) module introduces PhD candidates, Doctoral students and Researchers in the ICT domain, to business growth and international/global growth related strategic and management issues. After completing the GH module, the participant understands the business, management as well as financial issues of growing a business within companies and organisations of all sizes. Some specificities of scale-ups and large companies will also be covered.


The teaching method in the GH module is active and case-based (based on real company cases), articulated around group or individual assignments complemented with applied lectures and testimonials.

Learning outcomes

  1. The ability to analyse international / global business ecosystems
  2. The ability to design international / global growth strategies
  3. The understanding of the roles of the entrepreneur/manager and differentiate the changing role and activities of the entrepreneur/manager as the business grows (including leadership,organisation and HR management perspectives).
  4. The ability to organise the management of a research, development and innovation portfolio and maintain innovativeness in a growing firm.
  5. The understanding of how to forecast needs and secure the finance in a growing company or for a growing business.
  6. The ability to master the basics of risk management in an organisation.
  7. The awareness of key challenges in introducing change in an organisation (change management, leadership and HR management)


For registration please contact the Trento DTC Lead (

The registration deadline is Thursday September 21, 2017

Registrants will be invited to join the Growth and Harvest Facebook-group for the latest programme updates and to share tips and comments amongst the participants.

The seminar is free of charge within the limit of twenty people. Registration is binding. Travel and accommodation are not covered by EIT Digital.


Trento DTC at EIT Digital Italy Node (Trento Co-Location Centre)
Via Sommarive 18 - Northern building, 1st floor
38123 Povo in Trento

Click here for the map.

Contact info

Trento DTC Lead
Irene Preti (

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