Events Archive

The Urban life and mobility workshop 2016 preparation workshop in Trento will be held by Trento Co-Location Centre in March 5th.

This event is open to EIT ICT Labs partners, start-ups and stakeholders from territorial governance bodies. It is upon invitation only (please check your mail box or if you like it, ask for an invitation to a contact below).

The objectives of the workshop are to present and discuss:

  • The Strategic Innovation Agenda of the Urban Life and Mobility Action Line
  • The objectives and processes of the Call 2016 for innovation projects
  • The new Urban Life and Mobility Business Community
  • The needs and projects of territorial governance bodies

Indeed in 2015/2016, Urban Life and Mobility action line will focus on:

  • Integrated mobility services, deploying mobility market place concept, alternative transports and alternative solutions to physical mobility in Europe,
  • Re-organized urban digital ecosystem, from silo oriented organisation to transversal data and information exchange, allowing emergence of new trusted third parties actors, and
  • Citizen engagement and empowerment, leveraging on collaborative behaviours, revitalizing individuals in active and sharing-oriented citizens.

Agenda of the day - draft version

10:00 EIT ICT Labs and Trento Node presentation
10:15 ULM Strategic Innnovation Agenda
10:25 ULM Portfolio - Products and Startups
10:50 2016 Call Process
11:10 Break
11:30 Presentation of selected use cases from territorial governance bodies
12:15 Open discussion on possible ideas/collaboration
12:45 Way ahead and future steps toward Call 2016
13:00 Networking Lunch
14:00 Urban Life and Mobility Business Community
14:30 Selected start-up and product pitches
15:30 End of Workshop


Trento Co-Location Centre
1st Floor North Building
Via Sommarive n. 18
Trento (Italy)


Roberto Saracco
Node Director, Italy -

Gian Mario Maggio
CLC Manager -

Paolo Magni
Business Developer AL ULM, Italy -

Isabelle de Sutter
ULM Business Community Manager, Paris -

Gilles Betis
ULM Action Line Leader, Paris -


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Co-Funded by the European Union