Urban Life and Mobility Action Line is organising a Pre-Call and Business Community introduction in Paris, on March 16th.
The objectives of the workshop are to present and discuss:
- The Strategic Innovation Agenda of the Urban Life and Mobility Action Line
- The objectives and processes of the Call 2016 for innovation projects
- The new Urban Life and Mobility Business Community
- The needs and projects of territorial governance bodies
Indeed in 2015/2016, Urban Life and Mobility action line will focus on:
- Integrated mobility services, deploying mobility market place concept, alternative transports and alternative solutions to physical mobility in Europe,
- Re-organized urban digital ecosystem, from silo oriented organization to transversal data and information exchange, allowing emergence of new trusted third parties actors, and
- Citizen engagement and empowerment, leveraging on collaborative behaviours, revitalizing individuals in active and sharing-oriented citizens
We look forward to a wide deployment of mature technologies handled by EIT ICT Labs members, for a massive adoption within the urban ecosystem of selected cities or territories. Scaling-up of projects, designing of massive services are necessary to allow the emergence and the validation of business models on deployed urban services.
This is the reason why we would like to build a collaborative view on possible future activities, that might strongly associate territories and EIT ICT Labs to reach shared innovation and economic development objectives. In this view, EIT ICT Labs can provide cities and regions with the capability to boost existing territorial dynamic toward a full-scale deployment of new services, leading to the emergence of new citizen behaviours. This will be done with the help of technologies and skills from state-of-art European large companies, small & medium enterprises and start-ups, as well as with complementary funding of European Union.
This event is open to EIT ICT Labs partners, start-ups and stakeholders from territorial governance bodies. It is upon invitation only (please check your mail box or if you like it, ask for an invitation to a contact below).
Agenda of the day: 10:00-15:15
10:00 | EIT ICT Labs and Paris Node presentation (Stéphane Amarger) |
10:15 | Urban Life and Mobility Strategic Innovation Agenda (Gilles Bétis) |
10:25 | Urban Life and Mobility Portfolio – Products and start-ups (Gilles Bétis & Isabelle de Sutter) |
10:50 | 2016 Call for innovation projects process (Gilles Bétis) |
11:10 | Break |
11:30 | Urban Life and Mobility Business Community (Gilles Bétis & Isabelle de Sutter) |
11:50 | Selected start-ups and products pitches |
12:30 | Networking lunch |
13:30 | Presentation of use cases from territorial governance bodies |
14:30 | Open discussion on possible collaboration |
15:00 | Way ahead and future steps toward Call 2016 (Gilles Bétis) |
15:15 | End of the workshop |
Stéphane Amarger
EIT ICT Labs Paris Node Director
Gilles Bétis
EIT ICT Labs Urban Life and Mobility Action Line Leader
Isabelle de Sutter
EIT ICT Labs Urban Life and Mobility Business Community Manager