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Registration to the Experience & Living Labs workshop "Users do IT the Living Lab way" is open! 

The Experience & Living Lab Catalyst support Activity invites EIT ICT Labs partners to a one-day workshop with the objectives to: 

  • present the user-research services that Living Lab facilities from EIT ICT Labs are currently offering to Partners;
  • understanding Living Labs Key principles developed by Botnia Living Lab, co-founder of the ENoLL (European Network of Living Labs)
  • learn how to plan and implement successful ELL catalyst tasks in practice (also relevant to the upcoming 2014 Technology Experimentation catalyst).

What you can get from the workshop? 

  • Researchers interested in co-creation and user-centered research will learn how to apply innovative new user’s involvement methodologies, as well as how to access services for user’s data collection.
  • Personnel from big ICT firms and SMEs will learn how to access services for testing and validating their technologies with real users in real life settings.
  • Living Lab managers & coordinator will learn a sound approach for leveraging internal assets to offer user-centric research services to research centres, big ICT firms, SME's and public bodies.

Workshop structure and methodology

This one-day workshop (9:00-15:00) is a combination of presentations and creative work in smaller groups. It includes real stories from on-going EIT ICT Labs ELL catalyst tasks to stimulate the interaction and knowledge sharing among participants. Together we will work on a real Living Lab case to assess and plan for the optimal Living Lab operation based upon the Living Lab key principles and from existing best-practices.   

Practical info

When: 28 November 2013, 9:00-15:00 

Where: Trento CLC, Via Sommarive 18
How to get to Trento? Here.

Costs: no costs for participation but delegates have to cover their own expenses for travel and accommodation etc. (Coffee and lunch is offered for free).

Workshop language: English

Registration: there is a limitation of 20 participants by the principle of “first registered”. To register send an e-mail to Nicola Doppio.

The workshop is organized by Trento Rise, LTU, Inria, Novay, Fortiss and Forum Virium Helsinki within the EIT ICT Labs E&LL Catalyst support activity in 2013. The work is coordinated by Fabio Pianesi, Research Director of EIT ICT Labs.  

For further questions please contact the workshop organizer team:
Nicola Doppio, Trento RISE/ EIT ICT Labs
Annika Sällström, Botnia Living Lab

We welcome all to a creative and fruitful workshop!

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Co-Funded by the European Union