Events Archive

The Experience &Living Lab Catalyst support activity 2013 invites to a one-day workshop with the objectives to: 

  • Present the user-research services that Living Lab facilities from EIT ICT Labs are currently offering to Partners 
  • Share insights in ongoing EIT activities in how to implement user involvement in practice 
  • Present one methodology to assist Living Labs operations with users and other stakeholders The Living Lab key principles- developed by the Botnia Living Lab at Luleå University of Technology in Sweden, in cooperation with their Living Lab partners. By using the Living Lab key-principles the essence of Living Lab operations can be reached and these principles can serve as a useful tool for the planning of Living Lab operations and to assess the impact of the approach.

From this workshop participants will gain:

1. Understanding of the Living Lab key-principles and how to plan and operate Living Lab supported activities for best impact in different dimensions such as service usefulness, increased knowledge and strategic insights.

2. Exchange of knowledge with others from “Living Labbing” in practice and its benefits and outcomes 

3.And of course…Get to know other EIT ICT Labs partners with similar interests for future collaboration opportunities!

What you can get from the workshop:

Researchers interested in co-creation and user-centered research will learn how to apply innovative new user’s involvement methodologies, as well as how to access services for user’s data collection.

Personnel from big ICT firms and SME´s will learn how to access services for testing and validating their technologies with real users in real life settings.

Living Lab managers & coordinator will learn a sound approach for leveraging internal assets to offer user-centric research services to research centres, big ICT firms, SME's and public bodies.

Target participants:  
EIT ICT Labs actors applying the E&LL catalyst in their EIT ICT Lab actions/activities and others with the interest in “Living Labbing”, User-involvement and User-driven innovation.

Workshop structure and methodology: 
This workshop is a combination of presentations and creative work in smaller groups. It includes real stories from ongoing EIT ICT Labs E&LL activities to stimulate the interaction and knowledge sharing among participants. Together we will work on a real Living Lab case to assess and plan for the optimal Living Lab operation based upon the Living Lab key principles and from existing best-practices. 

When and where: 
This one-day workshop is offered twice and in two different EIT ICT Labs locations:

1.In Stockholm CLC on Oct 15 2013 at 9-15
2.In Trento CLC on Nov 28 2013 at 9-15 

No costs for participation but delegates have to cover their own expenses for travel and accommodation etc. (Coffee and lunch is offered for free). 

Workshop language: English 

There is a limitation of 20 participants/workshop by the principle of “first registered”.

To register send an e-mail to Annika Sällström, at the latest on Oct 9 2013 for the Stockholm event, and Oct 20 2013 for the event in Trento.

The workshop is organized by Trento Rise, LTU, Inria, Novay, Fortiss and Forum Virium within the EIT ICT Labs E&LL Catalyst support activity in 2013. The work is coordinated by Fabio Pianesi, Research Director of EIT ICT Labs. 

For further questions please contact the workshop organizer team:
Annika Sällström, Botnia Living Lab,   
Nicola Doppio, Trento RISE,

We welcome all to a creative and fruitful workshop!

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Co-Funded by the European Union