Events Archive

September 17–21, 2012 at Villa Eberhardt, Ulm, Germany

Jointly organized by PRESERVE and EIT ICT Labs Safe Mobility

A number of distinguished speakers have already confirmed their participation and will present the state-of-the-art of academia, industry, and standardization efforts. This is an opportunity for every researcher that wishes to pursue or continue her career in this field. It is important to note that participants will have the opportunity to present briefly own on-going work and receive feedback, and form discussion groups for more in-depth discussions.

The summer school is planned for four days, giving ample time for discussions and exchange of ideas with the experts. The first day will introduce vehicular networking, applications, and enabling technologies; the second day will be concerned with the security and privacy of vehicular networks; the third day will extend on reliability and security, focusing on hardware and in-car security; the talks will conclude with an immersion to the process of standardization, notably the transformation of research results into standards. Remaining time slots will be filled with presentations by participants, discussion groups, and room for socializing.

More information on programme, application and contact


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Co-Funded by the European Union