Events Archive

On August 27, EIT ICT Labs Stockholm Node welcomes three Doctoral students to the CLC and the ICT hotspot in Kista Science City.  

Jovan Stevovic is a PhD student in Computer Science at the University of Trento. He is currently in Stockholm on the  "PhD on the Move" program. Jovan is also a researcher at CRG - Centro Ricerche GPI, EIT ICT Labs Co-location Centre in Trento. Jovan will be working with Shifo, dedicated to improve healthcare in low-resource settings, founded by a group working at KTH, Karolinska Institutet and Karolinska University Hospital.

Wilfried Dron, is a PhD Student in Embedded Electronic Systems "Wireless Sensor Network Architecture" at Paris 6th Computer Science Lab. (LIP6). Wilfried will be based at the Swedish Insitute for Computer and Systems Science (SICS), directly co-located with the Stockholm Node. 

Roman Chirikov, originally from Russia, currently based in Trento, is in Stockholm to meet the ecosystem and find a suitable host organisation for his Business Development Experience in early 2014.

The PhD students will present their backgrounds, home universities and research field of interest at the introduction session. 

There will also be presentations of the Stockholm Node, the opportunities available in Kista Science City and the facilities of the CLC and Doctoral Training Centre.


If you want to participate at the meeting, please send an email to

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Co-Funded by the European Union