Events Archive

We are pleased to invite you to a networking event with a light lunch introducing the EIT ICT Labs Doctoral School and Doctoral Training Centre at KTH and welcoming the first five students in Stockholm. 

Venue: EIT ICT Labs Stockholm Co-location Centre, Isafjordsg. 26, lift C, floor 3 Time: February 15th at 11.00-13.00


Students - pitching their research ideas for Doctoral thesis
Prof Mark Smith – why you do not want to miss this opportunity
Industry partners – why we think the DTC is a brilliant idea

INDEK teachers – what is the content of the I&E Education?
Anders Flodström – changing the education for future generations
Gunnar Landgren – the Kista hotspot and CLC facilities for DS and DTC

Please register for participation so that we can plan for catering and seating

Contact: Prof. Mark Smith, KTH

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