Events Archive

Date and time: Wed 9 October from 9.15 to 15

Venue: Open Innovation House, Otaniementie 19 B, 02150 Espoo, Finland

Live webcast available here

Welcome to the Results Day of EIT ICT Labs Helsinki where we showcase innovations, start-ups and activities in the areas of Smart Spaces, Health & Wellbeing, Future Networking Solutions, Cloud Computing as well as the Master and Doctoral Schools in ICT Innovation. 

The event is open to everyone and no registration is required. The speeches will be web casted. 

Professor Alexander Manu, a provocative author, speaker and leading practitioner in the field of strategic foresight, surveys in his keynote the changing context for innovation, and explores a few questions that will help organisations identify and validate ideas, transforming them into platforms for engagement and participation, or what he calls "a new behaviour space". 


venue: seminar hall on the first floor

8.45 Coffee
9.15 EIT ICT Labs bringing innovations to market - Director Marko Turpeinen, EIT ICT Labs Helsinki 
9.40 Business opportunities in smart spaces - Petri Liuha, Lead for Smart Spaces Action Line, EIT ICT Labs
9.55 My first start-up - Janina Fagerlund, student at the EIT ICT Labs Master School
10.10 Business in the Cloud - Tua Huomo, Lead for Future Cloud Action Line, EIT ICT Labs
10.20 Start-up success story - Carl Snellman, Quuppa Oy
10.30 Keynote "The business of innovation in behaviour space" - Prof. Alexander Manu, Senior Partner at InnoSpa International Partners. Download abstract and bio of Prof. Manu's keynote. 
11.30 Closing words - Director Marko Turpeinen

venue: Co-location Centre Helsinki, 2nd floor

11.30 - 15.00 Lunch and demonstration areas open 

Check out our demonstrations and start-ups

 For questions, please, contact Suvi Lavinto, Marketing & Communications Manager Helsinki. 

You are warmly welcome! 

Download the invitation in pdf

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Co-Funded by the European Union