Future of Health services today; reap the benefits of prevention through mobile technology
EIT Digital proudly announces that Wellmo, partner in the EIT Digital Health and Wellbeing Business Community will be launched officially in the Netherlands, on Tuesday 17 November next. You are invited to join this launch event at the Co-location Centre Eindhoven, High Tech Campus 31, 5656 AE, Eindhoven.
Wellmo is a Finnish health tech startup and is about a year active in the Dutch market, now. That they used the time very well has been shown by the fact that they were finalist for the Health App Award (initiative of Nictiz and Mobile Doctors). And they were finalist in the Accenture Innovation Awards. Next to this, Wellmo booked successes within their beginning customers portfolio.
What is Wellmo?
Wellmo is a holistic, configurable and ready-to-go cloud-based solution that enables individuals to take charge of their own health with the support of professionals. It is a one-stop mobile platform for preventive digital health programmes. By using Wellmo, occupational health organisations, insurance companies and service providers in health and wellbeing, may develop tailor made solutions tuned to their respective target groups; Effective and at the right scale. However, at the launch event we will show how Wellmo can be used to address the different aspects of health.
'Week off the stress': TNO Stresscoach 2.0 in Wellmo
The launch of Wellmo will take place in the 'Week of the Stress'. This is not by coincidence if you take into consideration that stress is ranked as a #1 disease for the working force. Therefore it is very good news that TNO, EIT Digital partner, and Wellmo are going to collaborate to tackle stress! TNO will implement and further develop its ‘Stresscoach 2.0’ on the Wellmo platform. Of course, you get live information on this at the launch on 17 November!
Is prevention fun? ArboUnie Polshoogte
The ‘Polshoogte’ programme of occupational health organisation ArboUnie, one of Wellmo’s launching customers show that the use of technology may result in innovative programmes to keep the working force fit and vital.
Are you also curious to know how you can book good results by using Wellmo, based on representative showcases such as ArboUnie? Do you want to manage work stress more effectively on the work floor in the Netherlands and elsewhere in Europe? Feel welcome to join.
Where, when programme?
The launch takes place in the Co-location Centre of EIT Digital at the High Tech Campus 31, 5656 AE, in Eindhoven, on 17 November next from 13:30-17:30 hrs.
You are cordially invited.
Programme of the Wellmo launch:
13.30 hrs Welcome coffee
14.00 hrs Introduction Wellmo and EIT Digital
14.30 hrs "Wellmo: The future of Health Services" by Jaakko Olkkonen,
CEO Wellmo
15.00 hrs "Polshoogte, experiences with Wellmo" by Schelte van Ruiten,
Manager Business Development ArboUnie
15.30 hrs "TNO Stresscoach 2.0" by Gerrit Beumer, Business Development TNO
16.00 hrs Networking drink
16.30 hrs End of programme
Entrance is free but you are requested to use the following REGISTRATION LINK.
We look forward to meeting you on 17 November.
Contact: Filip Coenen, EIT Digital Business Accelerator