Events Archive

EIT ICT Labs Germany invites entrepreneurs, startups, students and founders to participate in a discussion forum with Oliver Beste, founder of a dozen extremely succesful local and international initiatives such as and berlinbrandenburg

Besides hearing from Oliver Bestes experiences, there will be plenty of time to ask questions and to interact with the presenter. We furthermore invite all participants to stay for a small glass of wine (and cheese) afterwards and benefit from an excellent networking opportunity.

This inspirational discussion session will take place in informal setting on 29 April 2013, starting at 17:30 in our Co-Location Centre in Berlin (6th floor in Telefunken Hochhaus). Note that the language for this session will be German.

Please register for this first Wine & Cheese session by sending a short e-mail to Hanneke Riedijk latest April 26.

We look forward to seeing you in our Co-Location Centre!

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Co-Funded by the European Union