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EIT ICT Labs organizes a Winter School on Secure Design from February 10th to 14th 2014 in Trento. 

CASE STUDY: Remotely Operated Tower 

A new operational concept is emerging in air traffic management, the Remotely Operated Tower (ROT). A ROT is a technical solution deployed at small-medium airports, which enables an airport tower to be remotely operated via a digital network without human controllers on site. A set of 360° cameras, sensors and surveillance radars located at the aerodrome will allow Air Traffic Control (ATC) and Aerodrome Flight Information Services (AFIS) to be provided from Remotely Operated Tower Centers (ROTCs). ATC and/or AFIS Operators at ROTC remotely control different airports simultaneously using the data from cameras, sensors and radars, which provide a 360-degree real-time view of the airports. 


Students will analyze different aspects of securing a ROT field by working in teams. Each team will include participants coming from different technical majors: security and privacy, interface and interaction design, Internet technologies and architectures, service design and engineering, embedded safety critical systems, and multimedia technologies. 

The school will consist of frontal lectures of academics and domain experts, team work, tutoring, a competition exercise with a prize for the best-presenting group, and a socializing event. 



The first day of the school will focus on training the participants on the Remotely Operated Tower operational concept and on security issues in the air traffic management domain. The next two days participants will be trained on the security risk assessment methodologies e.g used by Eurocontrol and will work in team to apply the methodologies to the Remotely Operated Tower concept. A day will be dedicated to training the participants on business models and business concept development and on teamwork to develop a business plan for the Remotely Operated Tower. The last day each team will present the results in a poster session. 

The best group(s) will present their security case at the SESAR Industrial Jamboree event in May. 


The school is organized at the Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science (DISI) of the University of Trento that is among the most international universities in Europe, participating in many joint degree programs with academic counterparts in Europe, North America, and Asia, and several of its departments rank among the very top in Italy and Europe. 


The winter school is open to master or last year’s bachelor students who have expertise in one or more of the following fields: security and privacy, interface and interaction design, Internet technologies and architectures, service design and engineering, embedded safety critical systems, and multimedia technologies. 

For more information about the organization of the School please contact Elena Bortolotti at 

Students interested in participating to the winter school should send via email their curriculum vitae together with their exams record to the email above. 

Financial support for accommodation and lodging for students enrolled in EIT ICT Labs Core and Associate Partners’ study programs is available upon request. 

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Co-Funded by the European Union