Events Archive

After the first successful workshop that focused on SPACE (March, at KTH Stockholm), this second workshop explores the concept of TIME in relation to Mediating Presence. 

The evening of the 17th June serves as a tuning-in and get-to-know-everyone session so that Monday 18th can be devoted to theoretical and practical work on timing, intentionality and synchronization in relation to the various prototypes. Invited guest speakers, designers and performers will contribute to this topic and help us explore innovative connections to our research. While 17-18 June are open workshop days to which 20-30 participants are welcome, the 19-20 June will be devoted to prototyping within a smaller group, relating to the four Presence Demonstrators which will be developed during 2012.

The number of participants at the workshop is limited but if you know of researchers or industry representatives with related research interests and would like to contribute, please send an introductory email to myself ( and Tjerk de Greef ( by 25 May and we will let you know if we can offer you a place at the workshop.  

You will find a background to this initiative on the project website:

Most welcome!

Charlie Gullstrom

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Co-Funded by the European Union