Events Archive



Stockholm Co-location Centre, Helsinki Room
EIT ICT Labs Stockholm, Electrum 229, SE-164 40 Kista, Sweden


The advent of ubiquitous devices with geo-located capacities, such as smartphones, has led to the growing development of location-based services (LBS) and the massive collection of mobility data of individuals. For instance, LBS can be used to find information tailored to the environment (e.g., to retrieve the closest pizzeria or gas station), to collaborate with other users, to perform traffic monitoring, or to share the location with friends through a geo-social network, such as Foursquare, by explicitly performing a check-in at a particular location. However, learning the location of an individual poses one of the greatest threats against the privacy. In particular, the mobility data of an individual can be used to deduce the points of interests characterizing the mobility, to predict past, current and future locations or even to discover social network. Therefore, it is important to develop privacy-preserving versions of location-based services that still provide the sought functionalities along with privacy guarantees for the users of such systems.
The workshop is open to anyone interested in privacy issues raised by the development of location-based services. 

Tentative agenda:

9:30  | Opening, introduction and agenda 
9:45  | "Location privacy in intelligent transport systems and location-based services", Panagiotis Papadimitratos
10:30 | "Analyzing the privacy risks of collecting and publishing geolocated data", Sébastien Gambs
11:15 | Coffee break
11:30 | "Private big data publication", Claude Castelluccia
12:15 | Lunch
13:30 | "Photo tagging preferences enforcement", Vincent Toubiana
14:15 | "UbisPrivacy: Including privacy bits into semantic data of location-based services", Dominikus Heckmann
15:00 | Coffee break
15:30 | "Privacy living lab", Bruno Crispo
16:15 | Round table:Future security and privacy challenges for location-based services
17:00 | Closing of the meeting


Participation is free, but due to space limitations, please email Panagiotis Papadimitratos regarding your attendance as early as possible.

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Co-Funded by the European Union