Events Archive

Stockholm 14-16 March at the EIT ICT Labs Presence Lab at KTH

This first workshop explores the concept of place in relation to Mediating Presence.
It will take place in Stockholm 14-16 March and includes the launch of the EIT ICT Labs Presence Lab, a disused reactor hall on KTH campus.

The first workshop day focuses on  the theoretical body of knowledge relating to shared mediated spaces, while the following days are devoted to prototyping in the Presence Lab. You can find a draft agenda here, on the project testbed:

In the workshop, theoretical engagement is interwoven with rapid prototyping. A special focus will be given to the concept of transparency, and to the role of immateriality in mediating presence. Invited guest speakers will contribute to this topic and discuss its relation to innovative glass craft and artistic research.

The number of participants at the workshop is limited. If you have related research interests and would like to contribute, please send an introductory email to Charlie
 and Caroline Nevejan by 15 February and we will let you know if we can offer you a place at the workshop.

The research programme Mediating Presence is part of EIT ICT Labs through its research action line ICT-Mediated Human Activity. 
The Mediating Presence activity develops throughout 2012, consisting of four workshops and one experience lab: the EIT ICT Presence Lab.
The workshop on Place takes place in Stockholm 14-16 March.
The workshop on Time takes place in Delft/Eindhoven 18-20 June.
The workshop on Relation takes place in Stockholm 18-20 September.
The workshop on Action takes place in Delft/Eindhoven 21-23 November 2012.
Please see the project testbed for more information:

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Co-Funded by the European Union